Browsing category


Вложеный запрос в codeignator

Как всегда мало водного текста, сразу код, ниже немного разъяснения по нему $this->db->select("*") ->from("schedule") ->order_by("schedule.dayofweek", "asc") ->order_by("schedule.lesson_number", "asc") ->order_by("date_approve", "desc"); $s = $this->db->_compile_select(); $this->db->_reset_select(); $dbprefix = $this->db->dbprefix; $this->db->set_dbprefix(''); $this->db->select("*") ->from('(' . $s . ') as ' . $this->db->dbprefix . 'schedule_tmp'); $this->db->set_dbprefix($dbprefix); $this->db->join("lessons", "lessons.lesson_id = schedule_tmp.lesson_id", "left") ->join("students", "schedule_tmp.class_id = students.class_id") ->where("schedule_tmp.class_id", $class_id) ->where("schedule_tmp.date_approve

Began studying CodeIgniter

Began studying CodeIgniter, very Kulnev ferymvork, according to the author of the fastest of the existing framework. So wait for new articles on the CodeIgniter. What good is a very good documentation, and start simply enough ... By the way Russian docks on CodeIgniter version 2.0.0 can be found here so happy to delve … Continue reading Began studying CodeIgniter