It's no longer the post as well primetka for myself that would not have forgotten
simplexml_load_file("file.xml"); simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
At output you get an object with a pre-packaged xml. That's super easy and super convenient.
The only thing that should probably be noted that this method requires php5 and I understand some module, well, I have gone without a shaman. If that is not the path to the php.ini file
For example, you can write here is a simple file
$xml="<request> <version>1.2</version> <result_url></result_url> <server_url></server_url> <merchant_id>i4927007979</merchant_id> <order_id>128</order_id> <amount>12</amount> <currency>USD</currency> <description>uLove</description> <default_phone>+380938729936</default_phone> <pay_way>card</pay_way> </request>"; $xml=simplexml_load_string($xml); print_r($xml); echo $xml->order_id;
On the screen we
SimpleXMLElement Object ( [version] => 1.2 [result_url] => [server_url] => [merchant_id] => i4927007979 [order_id] => 128 [amount] => 12 [currency] => USD [description] => uLove [default_phone] => +380938729936 [pay_way] => card ) 128
My opinion, this is the easiest option, who will offer easier listen.