Drupal 8 commerce2 add custom field checkout

https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_checkout_order_fields. Just enable it, go to /admin/commerce/config/order-types/default/edit/form-display, scroll down, enable 'Checkout' view, drag/drop fields on the Checkout view, and then go to /admin/commerce/config/checkout-flows/manage/default and add 'Order Fields: Checkout' pane to a step you want. Enjoy

Некие команды для ./occ

Выполнять от юзера www-data

docker exec -it -u 82 dockername /bin/sh

./occ upgrade - обновляет базу

./occ files:scan --all

./occ files:scan grenuy
./occ files:scan --path "grenuy/files/Share uWorld"
sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --help
  files:scan [-p|--path="..."] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv --verbose] [--all]
  [user_id1] ... [user_idN]

  user_id               will rescan all files of the given user(s)

  --path                limit rescan to the user/path given
  --all                 will rescan all files of all known users
  --quiet               suppress any output
  --verbose             files and directories being processed are shown
                        additionally during scanning
  --unscanned           scan only previously unscanned files

Удаление 5 миллионов файлов

Обычно предлагается удалять через find и рабочий вариант, но в моем случаи 1.5млн удаляло часов 10 что недопустимо долго так перебирать пошел другим путем через цыклы и маски

for i in {a..z}
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[a-c]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[d-g]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[h-k]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[l-n]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[p-r]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[s-v]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[w-y]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[y-z]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[0-2]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[3-5]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[6-8]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[8-9]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i*

 for i in {0..9}
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[a-c]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[d-g]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[h-k]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[l-n]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[p-r]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[s-v]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[w-y]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[y-z]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[0-2]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[3-5]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[6-8]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i[8-9]*
	rm /var/www/*/data/www/*/system/sessions/sess_$i*

Или удалить файлы, которые старше семи дней:

for f in /tmp/logs/*.log
  find $f -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;

Удаление заняло несколько минут времени.

Что бы скачать с googledrive любые по размеру файлы без вопросов нужно подменить FILEID

wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=FILEID' -O- | sed -rn 's/.confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+)./\1\n/p')&id=FILEID" -O FILENAME && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt

Попытка получить тиц 10

Первый шаг, попытаюсь зарегаться на сайте dir.ikernel.org, они очень просили опубликовать обратную ссылку, вот и опубликую здесь 🙂

Глобальный каталог сайтов

What I was now # 1

I had a task to be empathetic and active today.
To start today was the day Badi, and naturally thought as the Badi to please, and it turned out, now I will take her agruz, plum, cherry, with its own garden.
Next, the team has helped with the designer, but I realized that the initiative is punishable began vylazit with "small requests" on its head, had the strength and courage to begin to speak what is not, that would be not to let those people who have been laid out time after the conversation with Badi, went crown, where he received offers to go to the movies on companion proposals received. After I went to the designer, it is on its last zhaluvalas Unfortunately, she asked me to ride her horses to ride on Monday and for one and rolled himself with his girlfriend, which she certainly received a positive response.
After I went to the girl, took her, wooed her, massage, teas, etc. In short, announced DAY YOUR desires. And dutifully performed ... It was funny and fun ...
After the movie was on the way hooked up the theme work, and then Sosyk home ...
Now try to lay down at night hoping to get the printer ... and will not spare parts. So I spent the day ...
By the way the girl said she was caring and gentle. So mission accomplished more than

LP program in the agency “Development”

That was not long ago I was drawn into the agency "Development" on-course. First, in the first stage, then decided to go to LP.
This level courses I do not know the first step even so-so, of course cool but still it is not as much as you expected, there were some exercises that will allow to dig into the past, go to, but much like that to no avail.
And yet, I decided to go ahead in leadership, LProgrammu.
Leadership share on weekends, that's held the first weekend that I can tell, it's just PPV!! Received 5 times more than I expected, I heard and took it on himself that he could not accept for many years, and believed that this is not about me, although frequently mentioned. Very much negativity is gone. Learned to look at life differently, the experience began to emerge THIS, team play, one of the interesting points in the first day of each chooses "Badi", is a man who often sold articles you furious, and with that in life you just have not spoken to but with training, learn and work with ...
The world begins to look quite different, as it "really" what-if, by training, I remember how truly feel happy, more uchat switch, and draw conclusions.
But even after the end of the first weekend, do not give a descent, appointed captain, and begin to control what would you have acted on their own words. And really begin to work more effectively and try and do more ....
Here is their website http://razvitie.od.ua/.