What I was now # 1

I had a task to be empathetic and active today.
To start today was the day Badi, and naturally thought as the Badi to please, and it turned out, now I will take her agruz, plum, cherry, with its own garden.
Next, the team has helped with the designer, but I realized that the initiative is punishable began vylazit with "small requests" on its head, had the strength and courage to begin to speak what is not, that would be not to let those people who have been laid out time after the conversation with Badi, went crown, where he received offers to go to the movies on companion proposals received. After I went to the designer, it is on its last zhaluvalas Unfortunately, she asked me to ride her horses to ride on Monday and for one and rolled himself with his girlfriend, which she certainly received a positive response.
After I went to the girl, took her, wooed her, massage, teas, etc. In short, announced DAY YOUR desires. And dutifully performed ... It was funny and fun ...
After the movie was on the way hooked up the theme work, and then Sosyk home ...
Now try to lay down at night hoping to get the printer ... and will not spare parts. So I spent the day ...
By the way the girl said she was caring and gentle. So mission accomplished more than